Tooth is Knocked Out

What Should I Do If My Tooth is Knocked Out?

One of the most popular problems for people visiting an emergency dentist is knocked out teeth. The most common cause of a knocked out tooth is a sporting accident or injury. If you are unlucky enough to lose a tooth, then you need to contact your dentist as soon as you can after the accident, otherwise you might run into avoidable problems and costs.

What should I do immediately after my tooth is knocked out?

If you have a tooth or teeth knocked out while playing sport or participating in another rough activity, then time is of the essence. If you are quick enough, your emergency dentist should be able to put the tooth back in, preventing any long-term effects.

When your tooth gets knocked out, the blood vessels and nerves associated with it can be damaged. Unfortunately, these can’t be replaced or repaired, which means that you will need to get a root canal on the damaged tooth or teeth. However, if it placed back into your mouth in time, the tooth will be able to reattach to your jaw bone, keeping your smile looking good for years to come!

History of Waist Trainers

A History of Waist Trainers

With so many celebrities taking to social media with pictures of them wearing waist trainers, such as the Kardashians, it’s easy to believe they are a relatively new phenomenon. However, the history of the waist trainer dates back several hundred years – even if the concept was slightly different than that of waist trainers today.

Waist trainers have been around in various forms since the 16th century. In fact, King Henry II’s wife Catherine de’Medici made corsets more of a popular item when she imposed a ban on “thick” waists. If you had a thick waist, which she hated immensely, you would do everything you could to rid yourself of it – which often involved wearing a corset.

The aim of the corset, which is different than that of today’s modern waist trainer, is to constrict your waist into an hourglass shape and shrink your waist size. Doctors even used them to promote better posture. They believed that if you wore a corset, you could treat scoliosis and other similar spinal conditions.